Interesting Facts & Statistics
- Roseville covers a total area of 36.223 square miles, with 36.222 square miles being covered by land, and 0.001 square miles being covered by water.
- Rocklin covers a total area of 19.594 square miles, with 19.541 square miles being covered by land, and 0.053 square miles being covered by water.
- Roseville consists of 79.3% Whites, 2.0% African Americans, 8.4% Asian Americans, and 10.3% other races
- Rocklin consists of 82.6% Whites, 1.5% African Americans, 7.2% Asian Americans, and 8.7% other races
- Roseville belongs to 4 public school districts.
- Rocklin has 11 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools for children in grades K-12.
Current Events & Attractions in Roseville & Rocklin
- Carnegie Museum-Roseville
- Roseville Theatre Arts Academy
- Maidu Museum and Historic Site-Roseville
- Roseville Telephone Museum
- Roseville Utility Exploration Center
- Rocklin History Museum
- Rocklin has 30 Fully Developed Parks and 200 Acres of Undeveloped Space for Residents to Enjoy.
- Every Friday during the Summer Rocklin offers an Evening in the Park Event. Residents Can Enjoy Movies, Music, and Food as a Community.
Roseville & Rocklin Community Statistics
- Roseville has a population of 124,519 and Rocklin has a population of 59,030
- The unemployment rate in Roseville is 7.9 and the rate in Rocklin is 5.6%
- The median age is as follows: Roseville 36.8 years old and Rocklin 36.7 years old
- Median household income is $75,184 in Roseville, $73,606 in Rocklin, and $52,175 for all adult U.S. Residents on Average.
- Per capita income is $32,370 in Roseville, $31,638 in Rocklin, and $27,466 for all adult U.S. Residents on Average
- The median home value is $307,500 in Roseville and $307,002 in Rocklin.
- 95.3% of Roseville residents have a high school diploma or greater and 37.4 % of residents have a 4 year college degree. 94.9% of Rocklin residents have a high school diploma or greater and 41.7% of residents have a 4 year college degree.
Roseville & Rocklin Rental Statistics
- In 2014, the average monthly rent amount was as follows: Roseville $1,147 and Rocklin $1,289
- 21.5% of Rocklin residents pay 30% or more of their annual household income in rent, and 19.8% of Roseville residents paid 30% or greater or their annual income in rent.
- As of 2013, 36.5% of Roseville residents were renters, compared to 34.2% in Rocklin, and 36.98% of renters in the U.S.
- Owner average household size in Roseville is 2.79 people, compared to 2.57 for renters. Rocklin owner average household size is 2.86 people, compared to 2.43 for renters.
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. See Equal Housing Opportunity Statement for more information.